What is a Precinct?
Precincts are geographical areas established by the state for election purposes. Although voting precincts are the smallest political subdivision in Arizona, they are in many ways the most important.
The boundaries of our Yavapai County precincts are established by our County Board of Supervisors in accordance with Arizona state law.
Each precinct in Arizona is entitled to one (1) Precinct Committeeman (PC) from each major political party. An additional committeeman is authorized for every 125 voters or major fraction thereof registered in the party in the precinct as reported on March 1st of the general election year.
What is a Precinct Committeeman?
Republican Precinct Committeemen represent the Republican Party to the people. They are the primary contacts between their neighbors, candidates, and elected officials. It is their job to help inform Republicans in their precincts about issues and candidates and be better prepared to vote in upcoming elections.
A Precinct Committeemen are the only Party official directly elected by the Republican voters.
Currently, the Verde Valley has 132 authorized Republican PC positions, but only 14 of those positions are filled.
Precinct Committeemen are elected by voters in their voting precinct every two years during the Primary Election, but may also be appointed by the County Board of Supervisors upon the recommendation of the Chair of the Yavapai County Republican Committee.
Why Become a Precinct Committeeman?
Being a Precinct Committeeman means being the direct point of contact point for fellow Republicans in your immediate neighborhood. ( Wouldn't you LOVE to make some new friends right in your back yard?) A PC can play a key role person for information dissemination within the Precinct.
PCs have a great deal of influence on the activities of our party. For example, only PCs are allowed to participate in the election of our county and state Republican party leaders.
Precinct Committeemen are intimately involved in the operation of the party at the county and state level. Numerous opportunities exist to rub elbows with party leaders, elected officials, and candidates.
By becoming a PC for the Republican Party in Arizona you can take a pro-active step towards spreading Republican principles of limited government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, individual freedom and most importantly, personal responsibility.
For more information, contact Niles Haton 928-649-1643. Email Niles.